
City University of Michigan

Experience Life at

Scholars and Students from a variety of backgrounds and academic specialties highly regard City University of Michigan.

We are determined to keep innovating and expanding our efforts to enlist a student body that is more diverse.


City University of Michigan

City University of Michigan we offer a unique experience to students with our diverse distance degree programs in various academic domains, from business management to education and much more. We open the doors of great opportunities for students so they can learn exceptional skills and serve society through their hard work. Apply now and get enrolled in the program of your interest right away.


Transfer Students


Doctorate Enrollments


Male/Female Ratio

Campus Tour

Our three primary campuses located in California, Houston, and Washington serve as a center for research and innovation, as well as a tourist attraction for people from all over the world. Students and faculty make their homes on these campuses.

You can become familiar with CMICH in a variety of ways, including private tours, mobile and virtual options, and more. Gain an understanding of the concepts, artifacts, people, and locations that have contributed to the formation of our history and take the first steps toward creating a brighter future.


Our tactfully developed curriculum allows students to learn through a blend of traditional and contemporary knowledge in all educational fields.


Students have the benefit to learn at their own pace and on their terms. You can choose to take several courses in a single week, or you can reschedule them according to your schedule.


Credit transfer options are available to reduce tuition costs, make it easier for you to study, and speed up your graduation.

Apply Now

When we view an application, we learn more about the individual. Students with Educational accomplishments, personal attributes and life experiences are taken into account and can make the difference during the selection process.

Apply Now