Professional Schools

We Offer 200+ Academic Programs

Graduate students at City University of Michigan participate in a wide variety of forward-thinking programs that equip them with the skills necessary to instruct, work, and conduct research that expands the boundaries of knowledge in their respective fields. Students at City University of Michigan have access to 16 schools, 76 majors, and more than 200 different programs, giving them the opportunity to pursue their academic interests in the area that will better prepare them for successful careers.


Bring CMICH home. Gain knowledge. Make an impact.

CMICH Extension School

Access CMICH . Unlock your potential.


Expand your skill set. Become a better leader.

Start Your Academic Career

We're looking for bright students who'll make valuable contributions to both the CMICH community and the broader society after they graduate. In addition to a student's grades, the Admissions Committee looks at a variety of other things, such as their character, extracurricular interests, and extracurricular achievements, as well as their ability to take advantage of the resources and opportunities they have been provided with.

Connect with Our Faculty

Dr. Caroline Molina spent her childhood in Columbia, Missouri, before moving on to earn her master's degree in business administration from Stanford University and her doctorate degree from the University of Cambridge. Dr. Caroline Molina had no idea that she would go on to study business, become a professor at CMICH, and do the majority of her research and service in Missouri while she was living in Missouri.